01. Figures'18
01 Figures'18
Hispack 2018 brought together the entire life cycle of packaging to lay the foundations for the transformation of the industry. The event was a great success, as reflected in its figures.
01. 01. Figures'18
Figures ’18
A show noteworthy for the quality of the content. With a particular focus on debate, innovation and technology.
+21% compared to last year
8% more than last year
+3.000 attendees
03. The confidence of the leaders
03The confidence of the leaders
From South Korea to the United Kingdom and a total of 24 countries, the main companies in the industry took part in Hispack to show what they have to offer.
04. The confidence of the leaders
Del 37% de envasadores, un 50% pertenece al sector de la alimentación, que baja respecto al 2015.
El 62% restante se reparte en distintos sectores de actividad.
Fabricantes de producto final
Resto de empresas
03. The confidence of the leaders
Expositores directos
+21% respecto a la edición anterior
Empresas españolas
Empresas otros países
Asociaciones y organizaciones oficiales
Automatización y digitalización
Empresas de consultoría, ingeniería y servicios afines
Logística, manipulación, alimentación y distribución
Maquinaria para etiquetado, codificación y marcaje
Maquinaria para el proceso de fabricación de productos a envasar
Maquinaria y accesorios de envase y embalaje
Maquinaria y equipos de embotellado
Materias primas. Materias de envase y embalaje.
P.L.V. Publicidad en el lugar de Venta
Recuperación, almacenamiento y reciclaje
Revistas técnicas y publicaciones
04. Hispack Challenges
Expositors directes
+21% respecte a l'edició anterior
Empreses espanyoles
Empreses d'altres països
Associacions i organitzacions oficials
Automatització i digitalització
Empreses de consultoria, enginyeria i serveis afins
Logística, manipulació, alimentació i distribució
Maquinària per a etiquetatge, codificació i marcatge
Maquinària per al procés de fabricació de productes per envasar
Maquinàriai accessoris d'envàs i embalatge
Maquinària i equips d'embotellament
Primeres matèries. Matèries d'envàs i embalatge
PLV Publicitat en el Lloc de Venda
Recuperació, emmagatzematge i reciclatge
Revistes tècniques i publicacions
04. Hispack Challenges
Direct exhibitors
+21% more than last year
Spanish companies
Companies from other countries
Official associations and organisations
Automation and digitisation
Consultancy and engineering companies and related services
Logistics, handling, food and distribution
Machinery for labelling, coding and marking
Machinery for the manufacture of products for packaging
Packaging and wrapping machinery and accessories
Bottling machinery and equipment
Raw materials. Packaging and wrapping materials
PSA Point of Sale Advertising
Recovery, storage and recycling
Technical journals and publications
Premium pack
04. The industry has its say
04The industry has its say
The exhibitors and buyers rate their participation in Hispack positively and trust us to make their businesses grow.
04. The industry has its say
05.Hispack Challenges
05Hispack Challenges
Great ideas are reinventing packaging
Hispack Challenges is a space for innovation with international exposure, debates, case studies, demos and speakers from the vanguard of each of the important issues discussed.
We are #sustainability
2Mesas Redondas
Actividades 2018
- Sustainable Certification Sostenibilidad: cómo dar valor a los envases. Normalización, certificación y etiquetado
Sustainable Future Area El futuro de la sostenibilidad. Proyectos de I+D sostenible en Europa
- Sustainable Innovations Innovación de soluciones y materiales sostenibles
Packaging Logistics
We are #packaginglogistics
2Mesas Redondas
Actividades 2018
- Demo Area By LEITAT
- Tech Centre Info PointBy AIMPLAS – AINIA – LEITAT - TECNALIA
- Best Practice in urban deliveries By ITENE
- Colaboración horizontal entre operadores logísticos y de transporte By CITET
User Experience
We are #userexperience
3Mesas Redondas
Actividades 2018
- UX Strategies and branding territories
- UX Legacy, a history of packaging
- Aumented Reality Experience
- Workshop Design Thinking
- Graphispag 2019
- Premiumpack
- Future of Design Area
We are #automation
4Mesas Redondas
Actividades 2018
Demo Area By LEITAT
- Tech Centre Info Point By AIMPLAS – AINIA – LEITAT - TECNALIA
05. Hispack Challenges
06. Liderpack Awards
06Liderpack Awards
We acknowledge the best packaging
Acknowledgement of the most innovative packaging and wrapping in terms of design, functionality and technology. We also recognise the best of point of sale display (POS).
07. That’s not all
That's NOT all
Hispack represents the packaging ecosystem. A living ecosystem which renews itself with each step forward. Our aim is to be involved in this transformation, as a platform which enables and leads change in the industry. We therefore create meeting points and spaces for ongoing dialogue with the market.
The event that transforms the industry
The critical rendezvous to see the latest developments and to discover new packaging experiences.
Acknowledgement of innovation and design
Domestic and global recognition for the industry. A prestigious award which acknowledges creative effort.
All the latest developments in packaging
A programme of events and continuous activities aimed at promoting constant networking.
The challenges of the packaging of the future
New tools to improve production processes, quality management, design and industrial maintenance.
See you in 2021!
Keep up to date at: www.hispack.com